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Morning Announcements

Drama | 10m

A teenage boy delivers a message of acceptance to his rigid Catholic school during the morning announcements, through which he explains how the institution's hypocritical message of 'loving the sinner' contributed to the suicide of his gay younger brother.


Thomas Dukeman, Jane Shayne

Winner, Humanitarian Award

Global Film Awards


Winner, Narrative Pro

MyHero International Film Festival


Winner, Best of Fest

Long Beach QFilm Festival


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Me + You

Drama | 14m

A young boy fragments from his innate sense of self when he begins to judge himself based on society's perceptions. Throughout the film, this fragmented version visits his childlike self over the course of his life, unable to bring his truth to light.


Pierce Pope, Lev Cameron

Official Screening Selection

United Nations World Youth Day


Official Screening Selection

Cannes Film Festival


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The Land of Two Fields

Drama | 22m

To their horror, three strangers wake up on an elevator to discover that they are all karmically linked in a deeper way than meets the eye. In a deeply haunting and claustrophobic examination of fate vs. destiny, the three discover that what is waiting on the other side of the elevator doors is created by their own beliefs.


Cruz St. James, Arthur Roberts



Drama | 9m

Walking through a series of six rooms, a young girl metaphorically passes through the stages of innocence to corruption.


Tiarra Ruffalo

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